Paris Travel

How Do You Eat a French Radish?

Image of radishes either Radis Flamboyant (flaming radish) or de 18 jour (18-day radish) Colleen's Paris

Have you ever thought about how you eat a French radish for an aperitif? You can either bite into it directly or use a French method my husband showed me. Cut the center with a knife and slip in a pat of butter. Butter in France is either doux (sweet) or salé (salted). I could have sprinkled some salt or dipped it in salt, the sweet butter catching the grains. Two other thoughts when eating a radish: Are they in season? and which wine is it paired with?

In season, my tastebuds like mildly flavorable and not bitter. Some varieties are spicy. One lunch time, after asking the server for advice at the Square Trousseau restaurant, I paired a Pouilly-Fumé with my two-tone Radis Flamboyant (flaming radish)or Radis de 18 jours (18-day radish). The radishes are so delicious in October, I went out and bought my own. I leave the root and nip it off just before eating and leave a bit of the green stock to hold on to and for decoration.

Know your varieties

Image of radishes either Radis Flamboyant (flaming radish) or de 18 jour (18-day radish) Colleen's Paris

France has more than 50 radish varieties out of the 300 or more species and varieties in Europe. French radishes are two-toned red and white, red, purple or yellow. The regular harvest period depends on the variety. Those from October are usually from a green house. Whatever time of year, enjoy your radish aperitif!

How Do You Eat a French Radish?

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